Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Broken Arm

This last week Gibson broke his arm, yes that is what I said a BROKEN ARM. Poor little guy, it is so sad :( Well let me start from the begining I don't really know how he broke it, but he thinks he can run now, so he has been falling more than normal. And every time he would fall he would scream and scream. I always thought "oh your fine" I would give him a love and he would stop crying so I thought he was fine. I always thought it was his teeth that are coming in and that he was just tired. Then he isn't every good at going over the thresholds on door ways so we help him across. Monday Anthony was helping him across one and he took his arm to help him a cross and again he started to cry. Well finally Monday night we decided something was wrong. When he was getting up he wouldn't use his right arm at all. But other then when he fell and when it was touch he acted just fine. We took him to the Doctors on Tues and when we got there they were like which arm is it? Because he was acting normal. But sure enough when they took the X-ray there it was. They said it was a Green Stick Fracture, it is not totally broken in half, just bent. I couldn't believe! I cried and felt like the worst mom ever. But they told me this happens all the time with little kids. So that made me feel a little better. So yes Gibson is in this cast for 3 to 4 weeks. He seems to be ok with it but Wish us LUCK!

Showing his cast to Daddy.

This is Wednesday morning and he is his normal happy self. He was playing Peek-a-boo with me with the door.

You can see in this picture that it goes up past his elbow. Last night going to bed he cried alittle and tried to pull it off, but other then that he has been pretty good about it.

I just had to add this picture. The other day I was out working in the yard and had the water going and he was having so much fun playing in it. So I pulled out his pool and put just a tiny bit of water in and he was loving it. I love this little guy so much! There is no better thing in this world then to be a mom. It is the BEST!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cool Ideas

I found this now that the weather is nice, but I thought it had some cute ideas. Go to the and they have ideas of what you could do with your kids on a rainy day. And you know the saying April Showers! So have FUN and enjoy.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

YoU hAvE To LoOk

* You have to go look at the web page and look at all the fun ideas that are on there about coloring Easter eggs. There is so many cute ideas to try I can't wait to try them. I think I am still a big kid at heart, ok I know I am. I love doing this kind of stuff! You can get there if you just go over to my blog list and click on Live Simple. You have to see!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009