Gibson turned 1 on Feb. 6th I can't believe how fast the year has gone by. My little baby is getting so big. Here are some pictures of Gibson's big day!

First picture of the day (He is so sleepy)

Anthony's present to Gibson was his 1st long horse ride. He has gone around in the pasture. But this time he went all the way up to the cementry and back. He loved it!

Trying to take his picture by the birthday sign what a chore, the only way he would hold still is if I was in it with him.

Opening his presents he got a tunnel, swimming tube, doodle pad, a hammer that makes noise, stuffed animals, a animal train, lots of cute outfits and money. Thanks so much everybody!

Birthday cake!!! Anthony and I stayed up til 11:30 making this turtle cake it was a lot of fun. I think it turned out really cute, I have to say we are proud of ourselves.

Gibson's loved the cake and ice cream once he figured out that it tasted good. He wouldn't just play in it like I thought he would.

I don't know who loved the tunnel more Aunt Amber or Gibson?
So much fun! I can't believe he is a year either. His cake is adorable! Good Job! I love the pic of him and Anthony on the horse! I am glad you all had a great day!
He is so cute! Your cake turned out adorable! I am sad to think that Brielle will be one in like 2 weeks! :( Lets get together again, soon!!!
OH my gosh he's already ONE!! Time flies. He is so cute!! Nice job by the way on that cake-I LOVE it! : )
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