A couple weeks ago we went with Anthony to the Doctor and we went to Children Place after. The lady gave Gibson a 3D sticker. I stuck it on his forehead and I shouldn't laugh but I think it is so funny that his little arms are just barely get long enough to reach the top of his head. So he couldn't get it and fell asleep with it on.
Gibson has been walking really good. But he still hasn't got the down hill walking. And about 2 weeks ago he was playing with the dogs and they walked down the hill and he decided to follow and this is what came of it. 2 nice sidewalk burns (if thats what you call them) and a big burse!
A couple days ago I was in the other room and I could hear this noise so I went to find what it was. And this is what I found, a big pile of Toilet Paper on the bathroom floor and Gibson standing beside it! He is just so much fun and he has to explore everthing. So he is always into something. I love that little guy so much!
he is such a sweet little guy. You have to call me next time you put up the tipi, Layton and Parker would LOVE it!
Rylee loves the toilet paper game too! I take the roll off alot. I am nervous because now she is fasinated by putting it in the toilet...I don't want to find a whole roll unrolled and in the toilet! She and I are pretty much stuck together...she is way too curious! She also likes to empty the wet wipe container!:)
I just found your blog it is so cute. I love what little kids they always seem to make you laugh.
youre little one is a doll! i think he and our would get along just great. it looks like gibson gets into as much trouble as hayzen. we should get them together sometime. hope all is well with you guys!!
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