Monday, April 12, 2010


Anthony made this cradle for Hallee. It is made out of cherry wood. I love it, it is so beautiful!!! Thanks for all the hard work Anthony!

I made this quilt for Hallee. It is a turning twenty, my cousin Christy had made one for her little girl and I loved it!!! I am not much of a sewer, but luckily i had the help of my wonderful mom. And I did it and I really enjoyed it!!!

Anthony and his princess Hallee.

For like a week straight Gibson would want to read this every day, like 10 times a day.

Gibson wasn't happy, so he went and hid under the rug in the Kitchen. What a boy I love him so much!!!

Lately when we watch a movie this is what Gibson does. He pulls his arms and legs in his shirt and just sits there. Ha ha ha


Losee Family said...

funny little boy. They are so cute. I got the bracelet from a friend. She sells them here but gave it as a gift to Kamri.

Mackenzie Bailey said...

You both are so so crafty! I love that both of those things can be handed down from one generation to the next. Timeless:)