Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hallee's 1st Birthday

Hallee's 1st Birthday was on March 18th, yes I'm a little behind. We ate dinner and had cake and ice cream. Thanks everyone who came and supported Hallee bug. She was not feeling the best so we didn't get alot of smiling pictures, or pictures at all.

Grandma Jacci helped Hallee open her presents. She got lots of fun stuff, clothes, toys, blanket, a swing. The swing is her favorite!!! It is Gibson's too!!

Anthony had to help her taste it before she would eat it and even then it wasn't alot.

We are so blessed to have Hallee in our lives and are so grateful to be her parents. She is a little ball of fire always on the move. The only time she is still is if she is eating or sleeping. We LOVE her so much!!!!!


Casey and Samantha said...

I can't believe she's already one! SHe's so cute! I don't know if I've seen her in person yet! I'll have to call next time I'm in Fillmore. We need to get together!

Julie said...

Seriously, the years are flying by the older I get. I can't believe she's 1. You have such a cute family!

morgan said...

What a sweet little girl!! I can't believe that it's already been a year..man time goes by way to fast! We need to play a day to hang out again!! love you!