Gibson has become famous for putting other peoples shoes on, these are uncle Austin's.
We are over in Colorado visiting my parents and Gibson found a metal bat & a softball. He wanted Anthony to hold the ball while he hit it. Well Anthony tried it and lets just say hits pretty hard for a 18 month old. So Anthony decided he needed one more his size. And he loves it!
The little stink also found a permint marker at my mom's & decided he needed a picture on himself.
And he got into the flour and yes if any of you knew me when I was little, I was the Queen for getting in G Johnsons flour. I guess he is just like his mom!
We had a surprise party for Gpa & Gma Johnson 50th wedding anniversary. It was a lot of fun!
Kaden very much enjoyed his Rootbeer Float!
And I have to say I made the cake with a lot of help from Carol Poulson but I did it!
At the Gubler Reunion Gma Johnson side we also had a little party for them. I think they enjoyed their dance together.
Uncle B teaching Gibson how to be a piro "great"
This tickled my funny bone! One of those days I guess.
Grandma with the grand-babies
The boys helpin Grandpa
Gibson not to sure what to think about the Cradads?
Gibson & Kaden found a puddle and as you can tell they had a great time!
We took a fun trip to St. George
The boys loved the fire truck!
Aunt Jacie's cat had kitties and Gibson could not get enough of them. Funny Boy!
We went on a Jeep ride up Gunnison canyon on the 24th of July. Thanks Jacie & Randon
Gibson loves to help sweep, he dumped rice all over the floor. At least he was trying to he a big helper.
It's about time you updated! :) Cute pictures! You guys have been busy! Let's get together! Call me!
Looks fun I love all the picts they are cute.
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